Brindavan Ashram, or the Whitefield Ashram, comprises of the following main edifices.
Trayee Brindavan
Trayee Brindavan is the residence of Sri Sathya Sai Baba in Whitefield. He stays here whenever he comes to Bangalore. It is a beautiful, lotus shaped, building in pink and yellow and was inaugurated by Baba on 26th April 1984.
Sai Ramesh Krishan Hall
Sai Ramesh Krishan Hall was built in the year 1992 and houses a captivating statue of Lord Krishna. It is here that Baba gives darshan, when he is in Whitefield. The hall also serves as the venue for bhajans as well as festivities held during the stay of Baba.
Brindavan Campus
The campus of Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning is situated inside the premises of the ashram. There is also a hostel for students inside the ashram complex, adjoining Sai Ramesh Krishan Hall.
Sai Krishan Kalyana Mandapam
Sai Krishan Kalyana Mandapam is an auditorium, located between the Student's hostel and Trayee Brindavan. It was inaugurated on 25th March 1999 and is used for holding cultural programs and conferences.