This article provides information on Bangalore Cinema Halls. Check out the movie theaters and multiplexes/ cineplexes of Bangalore/ Bengalooru, India.

One of the popular means of entertainment in Bangalore comprises of the numerous movie theaters and multiplexes dotting the city. Infact, Bangalore was one of the first cities where the concept of multiplexes was introduced. Most of the movie theaters in Bangalore have restaurants situated nearby, thus offering the complete entertainment package for the entire day. Given below is a list of some of the most famous cinema halls as well as multiplexes of Bengalooru, India.
- Abhinay (B.V.K Iyengar Road)
- Ajanta (Anna Swami Mudarliar Road)
- Apsara (City Market Square, N.R Road)
- Galaxy (Residency Road)
- Imperial (Residency Road)
- Innovative Multiplex Theatre (Marathahalli Colony)
- Lido (Old Madras Road)
- Nartaki (K.G Road)
- Pallavi (Sampang Tank Road)
- Plaza (M.G Road)
- Priya Village Roadshow (PVR) (Koramangala)
- Rex (Brigade Road)
- Sagar (K.G Road)
- Sangam (Dhanvantri Road)
- Sangeet (Central Street)
- Santosh (K.G Circle)
- Symphony (M.G Road)
- Urvashi (Siddiah Road)